Book Your Fishing Charter Vacation!
Our culture in the United States is one that encourages self-improvement. The American Dream is about creating something from nothing, about pulling yourself by your bootstraps to create the life you desire. In theory, this is fine, but it’s created a “workaholic epidemic” that has affected the entire country. A recent survey revealed that 29% of full-time employees felt ashamed of taking time off from work. A report by the U.S. Travel Association shows that 705 million vacation days were unused in 2018. 52% of employees also reported having vacation time unused at the end of the year. Book a fishing charter if you’re thinking of going on a vacation in Myrtle Beach.
Today, we’ll explain why you shouldn’t feel guilty for using your vacation days. You’re not sure what to make of them? Booking an offshore fishing charter with Captain Smiley Fishing Charters is a great option.
Fishing Charter Tips: Why Go On A Vacation?
1. Vacations Will Improve Your Work Quality
It may seem counterintuitive but studies have shown that employees who maximize their vacation days and take all their time off work better, are rated higher by their colleagues, and are more likely to receive a bonus or raise. Vacations can help prevent burnout, which can negatively impact the productivity of an entire organization if left unchecked.